Samsung will officially launch its mobile payments system, aka Samsung Pay in India on March 22. The company, as per the media invite, calls it an innivation which is simple, secure and almost everywhere. This comes soon after Samsung began signing up users in India for early access with regards to Samsung Pay. For now, owners of the Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S7, Galaxy S7 Edge, Galaxy S6 Edge+, Galaxy A5 (2016), and Galaxy A7 (2016) can register online to be eligible for an early access of the mobile payments service. Samsung Pay early access program is available with the following banks/ issuers: Axis, HDFC, ICICI, SBI, and Standard Chartered. Support for Citibank and American Express will be added soon, according to Samsung. Users, who sign-in for early access program, as suggested by the name, will be among the first ones to be informed when the service officially goes live. These users will also possibly be the first ones to access it when Samsung Pay goes live...